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Hampstead School

The School Day

Typical Daily Schedule

Time Period
8:00 - 8:30am  Breakfast club 
8:35  All students must be on site for line up
8:40 – 9:00   Registration/Assembly 
09.00 – 10.00  Period 1 
10.00 – 11.00  Period 2 
11.00 – 11.20  Morning Break 
11.20 - 12.20  Period 3 
12.20 – 13.20  Period 4 
13.20 – 14.00  Lunch 
14.00 – 15.00  Period 5 
15.00  Official End of Day 
15.00 – 16.00  Extended Activities Period 6 – KS4 and KS5 only 

Any deviation to the above will be communicated to parents/carers either directly or via our newsletter/website.

Our standard school week for KS3 is 32.5 hours.
KS4 & KS5 students may have timetabled P6 lessons.

Assembly Schedule

Year Group Assembly Day
11 Monday (Main Hall)
10 Tuesday (Main Hall)
7 Wednesday (Main Hall)
8 Thursday (Main Hall)
9 Friday (Main Hall)
Sixth Form Friday (Period 1)