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Hampstead School

Frequently Asked Questions

You asked us the following questions and our student representative, Zeina, responded with the following answers:

Students asked:

Is Hampstead School a caring school?

Yes, we are the first secondary school in London to receive the Wellbeing Award.  Our PSHCRE and tutor period programmes are all designed to encourage independent thought and to provide opportunities to bond and grow in a safe environment. We care equally about wellbeing, emotional resilience, creativity and academic performance.Yes, we are the first secondary school in London to receive the Wellbeing Award.  Our PSHCRE and tutor period programmes are all designed to encourage independent thought and to provide opportunities to bond and grow in a safe environment. We care equally about wellbeing, emotional resilience, creativity and academic performance. 

Hampstead School Well-Being Page

What does a typical day look like?  What time do we start, what time do we go home? How many hours of teaching?

School starts at 0835 and it ends at 1500. A typical day starts by you going to tutor period and that ends at 0900. Then you go to your 1st lesson from 0900-1000 and then your 2nd lesson from 1000-1100. Then it’s break time for 20 minutes. Then you have 2 more hours of lessons. Lunch is then for 40 minutes at 1320 and then you have 1 more lesson, then you can go home or go to an extra-curricular activity. (This equates to 31.65 hours a week)

What is a tutor group? What’s it for?

There are 7 tutor groups in year 7, each with 30 students in so that is 210 children in one year group.  Your tutor group is so important. On induction day I made my first ever-lasting friend, whilst lining up! You meet new friends from different primary schools and you maintain those friendships throughout the years. You can look back with your tutor group and your tutor over all your memories and it’s really special. It’s an inclusive experience and the most important group you will be in. Connecting with your tutor is so important because you see them every day and you may need to go to them if you are upset and you need someone to look after you.

What subjects will I be learning in Year 7?

So many! You have Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, Drama, Music, French or Spanish, Politics, Psychology and Sociology, PE, Art and Design and PSHCRE. Art is on a half-term cycle so sometimes you go to Art and Design but sometimes you learn how to cook or you will learn Textiles. PE is also on a cycle so you get to do everything. By the end of the year, you will have had a chance to do swimming, football, etc. In the summer you do summer sports to prepare for sports 

How many teachers will we have each day?

Usually 5 teachers per day but 6 including your form tutor. You will normally have 1 teacher per subject, and sometimes you will have a teaching assistant in the class as well.

Will we be with the same students in every class?

For most of the lessons you are with your tutor group. In Art and PE you get mixed up and this is good as you will get to meet new people.

Is the learning difficult?

Generally, no but if you do find it difficult you can ask your teacher or the person next to you. You can also use your planner to help you and show your teachers how you are getting on. Everyone is different though and it's about doing the best you can!

Can we see the daily school timetable on line?

Once you are registered you will be able to see your timetable and home learning on ShowMyHomework. You will be taught how to access this when you join the school.

Home Learning Page

When do we find out what language we will be learning?

On your first day, you will get your timetable and will find out what language you are learning.

Do we have to learn a language?

Yes, everyone does until Year 9 and many students continue to study a language for GCSE.

Do we get to pick who we can be with in class?

No. You will be with your tutor group for most subjects in Year 7, you don't choose them. It is good to mix with different people, this gives opportunities to make more friends!

How much home learning will we get?

You will get home learning in every subject but you get a manageable amount and can always ask your teachers for help with it. As the years go on your workload will increase, it's a gradual process.

Can we have private music lessons?

Yes, you can. You can get lessons in anything from saxophone, to singing, to drumming. You can have a shared lesson with another student or individual private lessons. How much the lessons cost are all in the information in your registration pack.

Are there different areas of the playground for different Year Groups?

Technically no, the playground is for everyone but you will see that there are certain areas where students like to 'hang-out' but it's an inclusive space with no restrictions on movement.

What activities are there at break and lunchtime?

You can go to the MUGA (multi-use games area) to play football on the Year 7 day, eat lunch, talk to your friends, there are also clubs in the library (which we call the Independent Learning Centre -ILC) and Sports Hall. There are also table tennis tables to play on which are really popular!

What can we do after school? What clubs are available and are they free?

There are SO many clubs! All of them are free, apart from cooking where you may have to pay a little for ingredients. All the science clubs, choir, drama club, debating club are brilliant, there are too many clubs to mention! All clubs are advertised in school and there will be an opportunity to sign up at the beginning of Year 7.

Do you have playground monitors?

Yes, there are staff and lunch time monitors in all areas of the school at every break and lunchtime to make sure all students are safe and happy, at all times.

Are there lots of things to play with at break?

Break time is only 20 minutes long so you normally just grab something to eat from the Dining Hall (there are lots of delicious things to chose from) and catch up with your friends. Clubs are at lunch time because it is a longer period of time.

Is there a computer club? A chess club? Football matches?

See the list of our Enrichment Activities (extra-curricular clubs) that we currently offer at Hampstead School.

Enrichment Activities Page

What is lunch like? What can we buy?

You can choose hot or cold food from the Dining Hall, or bring your own packed luch from home. If you choose cold food there are sandwiches, salads, desserts, fruit juice, fruit and water. If you choose hot food then there is a changing daily menu. Fish and chips is always on a Friday!

Catering Service Page

We are a healthy school so everything in the canteen is always healthy, balanced and yummy!

Can we go on residential trips?

Yes, there are lots in every year at Hampstead School. There is a ski trip, art trip to Cornwall and Disney trip, as well as trips within each subject throughout the year. Some are trips that everyone goes on and some you choose.

Who do we talk to when we are having a problem or worried?

This is one of the things that Hampstead School does best! Always go to your form tutor first because this is someone you will know best and trust. There will also be your Head of Year, Miss Thompson and Ms Daulphin our Designated Safeguarding Lead. If you want to speak to someone your own age, then there are members of HABZ who wear a different tie so you can identify them. We also have school mentors who support certain students with a range of different things. Hampstead School works with different external agencies to support students and their families.

Is there a school nurse to talk to when I feel ill?

No, we do not have a school nurse like you may have had at primary school. If you feel unwell then you should go to your Head of Year. We also have trained first aiders at reception who can help if you are injured or feeling unwell.

I am worried about getting lost, is there a map of the school?

There are labels and signposts on each building and in the play ground to help you to learn where to go. Your tutors, Head of Year and HABZ will be supporting you with finding your way for the first few days of Year 7. It is completely normal to forget your way around for the first few days or so, this is OK, we won't be angry with you! In my first week I got lost on the way to lots of my lessons! as you're not able to come and visit the school this year, we have prepared a virtual tour for you.

Virtual Tour of Hampstead School

Is there bullying at Hampstead School?

If there is bullying or unkindness, there are specially trained people to deal with the situation quickly and properly and to support you to resolve the situation. As a Well-being school, we promote positive relationships, but if there is a rare occasion of bullying there are people to resolve it.

What are the rules about mobile phones in school?

Your phone must be turned off and in your bag throughout the school day. If your phone is seen or heard, it will be confiscated by a member of staff. It will be kept safe at reception until the end of the day when you can collect it.

What happens if you are late?

If you are late then you go to reception and you will have an 'L' marked in your planner. You then have to go to a late detention at the end of the day. You must go to this detention to resolve the situation. If there is a reason why you are late then your parent/carer should write a note in your planner.

How strict are we about school uniform? Where can we buy it?

People choose Hampstead School because of our structure and systems and the school uniform is a key part of that. It is really important that you take pride in your appearance and were full uniform everyday. This includes our Hampstead School PE kit.

You will find all our Policies and Guidance here

Are there detentions?

Yes, there are detentions. We are a no-shouting school and all our teachers are trained in conflict resolution and positive conversation use, so we try to avoid detentions, but if the situation is unresolvable then a detention may be necessary and you will have the opportunity to resolve the situation during detention. It is important that you keep organised and attend the detention to avoid it escalating further.

How will school be different due to coronavirus?

We will be following all the government guidelines. We will also be displaying helpful messages throughout the school on monitors, for example, reminders to wash hands properly, social distancing and wht to do if you feel unwell.

When will school open for us?

We want you to be able to come into school as soon as it is safe for you to do so and, once we have updated guidance from the government and know how it will work at Hampstead School, we will let you know if there are any changes to the dates in your registration pack.

Parents asked:

When can the parents meet the teachers?

The subject videos in this area have been prepared by different teachers at Hampstead School and we plan to have a Year 7 Information Evening in the autumn term at which you will get to meet teachers in each of the subject areas as well as finding out, in more detail, what your child will be studying in Year 7. In addition there will be an opportunity to speak to all your child's teachers at the Parent Consultation Evening.

Who is the main point of contact, what is the structure?

Your first point of contact is your child's Form Tutor, if you then need to speak to someone further, please see the information on our Contact Us page.

Contact Us Page

Who will explain the learning platforms and how to use them, will the school offer training on this?

We use a number of online platforms to support students' learning and to enable you to access key information about your child. You will have received information about how to sign up for the  MyEd App in your registration pack. 

On joining the school you will receive login details for ShowMyHomework, the platform that we use across the curriculum to set home learning, when your child starts. Your child may also be given logins to subject specific websites.

How do I buy the school uniform?

Your registration pack contains details of how to purchase the Hampstead School uniform. This information is also on the Uniform Policy.

How will lunch be organised?

Hampstead School is a cashless school, as explained in the registration pack you received.

You will be sent a letter in the summer holidays to allow you to register your account with our provider ParentPay.

You will need to top-up your child's ParentPay account for school meals online with enough funds for them to each at break and lunchtime. Your child will pay using a biometric recognition system at the till. Healthy packed lunches are also absolutely fine to bring too. You could have a combination of both!

If your child is eligible for free school meals, please make sure you have submitted an application as explained in the registration pack. Free school meals entitlement can only be accessed during the lunch break. If your child wants to have something to eat at break, there must be funds on their ParentPay account to cover the cost.