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Hampstead School

School Uniform


Daily Uniform

  • Black, full length, straight leg, formal school trousers
  • Knee length, black school skirt
  • Completely plain black flat shoes or trainers (the entire shoe must be black, including the sole, laces and any logo)
  • White school shirt, long enough to be tucked fully into a skirt or trousers
  • Hampstead School Tie (relevant to year group)
  • Hampstead School blazer
    Hampstead School jumper 
    Hampstead School cardigan

PE Uniform

  • Hampstead School red polo shirt
  • Black shorts or tracksuit bottoms


Sixth Form students adhere to a ‘work casual’ dress code.

Purchasing the School Uniform

Hampstead School items can be purchased online from Price & Buckland, these items include:

  • Blazers
  • Ties
  • Jumpers
  • PE red polo shirt
  • Badges for Jilbab or Kameeze

School ties can also be purchased on ParentPay and collected from Reception.

Other items such as trousers, skirts, shoes, white shirts and PE shorts/tracksuit bottoms can be purchased from any store as long as they meet the specifications in the Uniform Policy.

Tie Design

The tie assigned below will move with the year group through their time at Hamsptead School. There will be no need to purchase a new design.


School Shorts

Students now have the option of wearing school shorts in place of school trousers or a school skirt.

Wearing school shorts is completely optional; students are welcome to continue wearing school trousers or a school skirt.

See guidance below:


Students may wear smart charcoal grey or black tailored school shorts of appropriate length (i.e. just above knee).  Socks should be ankle length and plain black or white.

Students may not wear:

  • Cycling, tracksuit or sports style shorts or materials
  • Denim, combat or tactical cargo shorts

Shorts should not be tight-fitting or have logos, adornments, toggles, fashion zips etc.

Uniform Support

While the school is unable to provide uniform funding to our students, Camden Council advises the following services for uniform support.


The charities listed may consider applications for help purchasing a school uniform. Visit their websites to find out if your family is eligible.

Financial support

If your family receives certain benefits, you may be able to get a Budgeting Loan.

If you’re struggling to afford the essentials then there is cost of living support available.

Further Support

If you are unable to source the uniform through the above channels, please speak with your child's Head of Year. The school occasionally has a supply of donated second-hand clothing which we can provide to our students, however we cannot guarantee availability. 

Uniform Donation

We gladly accept any uniform items that students have outgrown, as long as they are still in usable condition. We are particularly in need of school-branded items, but also accept other items in the uniform, such as trousers and white shirts. Please bring these to the school reception or to your child's Head of Year.

Any student wishing to access second-hand items should speak with reception or their Head of Year. Our ability to provide second-hand items is subject to donations and will vary across the year.