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Hampstead School

16-19 Bursary Fund


The purpose of this financial allowance is to improve educational achievement. For this reason, good attendance, punctuality, behaviour and attitude to learning are an essential for receiving this allowance. 

In order to apply for the bursary, students should:

  • Hand in the 16-19 Bursary Application form together with any documents requested to the Sixth Form Administrator
  • Sign a Home/School Agreement - a copy is retained by the student and a copy is kept on file 
  • Understand and adhere to the criteria used for monthly bursary payment decisions. 

The following criteria must be achieved by the student in order to receive their monthly bursary payment: 

  • Good attendance (a level of 96% attendance, including authorised absences) 
  • Good punctuality (no more than two late marks per week) 
  • Good effort (achieving 1 or 2 for A2L scores) 
  • Good behaviour  

If a ‘no payment’ decision is made you will have the right to appeal. 
All absences should be reported using Studybugs by 08:30 on the day of absence by the parent or carer of the student.
When leaving early, students should sign out at Reception.  

Full details of this and all of our policies can be found here: