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Hampstead School

Heads of Year

At Hampstead School we have a Pastoral System second to none. Our Heads of Year, supported by their able team of tutors, are the bedrock of our ‘team around the child’. Their job is to ensure that every individual is supported, has no barriers to progress and thoroughly enjoys school.


Head of Year 7   Ms D Johnson
Head of Year 8 Mr J Williams
Head of Year 9 Mr Z Fazel
Head of Year 10 Ms M Dewhirst
Head of Year 11 Ms S O'Connell
Head of Year 12 Mr J Lowery
Head of Year 13 Ms A Christodoulou

Year 7

Starting secondary school can seem a very big step, not just for the students but for the parents as well. At Hampstead School we work hard to nurture and care for every child as they settle down to secondary school life. Your child will attend an Induction Day where they will meet their form tutor, Head of Year and other key members of staff. This also gives them an opportunity to meet and make new friends. At Hampstead School we take this transition very seriously and all work together to ensure the changes are as smooth and happy as possible. The Head of Year works with the tutors, teachers and associate staff to coordinate the ‘team around the child’.

The aim of the Year 7 Team is to provide a safe, enjoyable environment where students can learn the academic, social and personal lessons that our school provides. We strive to get to know each student: their talents, hopes, successes and concerns. In partnership with parents and carers, we work to foster a sense of responsibility and respect in our students. We support them to develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in Year 7 and beyond; to make healthy, positive friendships, and conduct themselves with respect and dignity at all times.


Year 7 Assessment Information for Parents/Carers

Year 8

In Year 8, a key theme is Kindness. Students spend time looking at this in registration and assemblies focusing on:

Being positive and polite

Being kind at all times

Trying their best

Remembering that, as a Rights Respecting School ‘Every child has the right to an education’ is the responsibility of the whole school community.

Tutors ensure that students are given an opportunity each day to reflect on thoughtful behaviour and develop skills to maximise their learning and, once a week, students work in small groups with a variety of staff to explore aspects of this in more detail.

Year 9

In Year 9, students face the exciting challenge of another milestone in their lives at Hampstead School, looking at pathways and progression towards their Key Stage 4 courses.  We recognise the importance of the decisions that students need to make in their transition from Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4. In this important and challenging phase of students’ education, we give clear and informed guidance about the pathways available and how these are matched to individual needs, interests and abilities. All students have an individual interview about their pathways and parents and carers are encouraged to take an active part in this important process.

Furthermore, we continue to place great importance upon praise and encouragement.  Our defined system of rewards enables teachers, colleagues, parents and students to understand our boundaries, support our ethos and meet expectations in all aspects of school life.

Year 10

Year 10 is the start of Key Stage 4 courses, chosen in Year 9, and as such it is vital to get a positive start as the basis for academic success. Good learning behaviours and habits developed now will only lead to achievement in Year 11. There is an increased emphasis on academic matters within our usual ethos of encouragement of learning, across all areas, ranges and abilities. Our students have chosen their personal pathway, laying the foundations for further education and the world of work.

At Hampstead, we celebrate our ethos by means of praise, encouragement and rewards. This continues in Year 10 and celebrating student’s achievements and work allows all to achieve and prosper. The system of rewards and sanctions enable teachers, colleagues, parents and students to understand our boundaries, support our ethos and meet expectations in the context of discipline and pastoral care.

There is a strong belief in partnership with parents. We will contact parents and carers to celebrate success as well as to address any difficulties that may arise.Equally, please contact the Head of Year should there be any circumstances or issues you would like to raise. Effective communication between school and home is essential.

Year 11

Year 11 is a time for focus and maturity. Maximum effort throughout the year is required to reap the benefits on results day in August. It really does pay dividends for a long time to come as the results achieved at the end of Key Stage 4 are the currency for the next stages of life and education.

The focus is always around using time well, utilising teachers and peers and making the most of the resources that are here, in the time left. Above all, the mantra for the year is – Make It Count!

Year 12

The start of Year 12 is a rite of passage for students at Hampstead. After the intensity of results day over the summer and the careful process of selecting courses, it’s time for those who have successfully received a place to start as Sixth Formers.

Together with an ever-growing number of external students, our Year 12 begin their new journey, with the challenges of new courses and the choice of exciting extracurricular opportunities and work experience all under the guidance of our experienced Sixth Form team. There are chances to visit universities, explore apprenticeships and plan for the years ahead.

Year 12 students may apply to become prefects and enjoy the privileges and responsibilities that being an excellent role model brings. From our vantage point in the Sixth Form Common Room at the top of the school, Year 12 students can look back on how far they have come and forward to a challenging and rewarding year ahead.

Year 13

Year 13 is a busy and exciting year for our students. In the autumn term students finalise and submit their applications to University and begin to prepare for interviews. In preparation for summer exams, students sit Pre Public exams in November and are supported through the year with additional revision classes and regular mentoring from the Sixth Form team.

In the spring term our Careers Adviser meets with those looking for apprenticeships and gap years to firm up future plans. Following exams in the summer term we celebrate the fantastic journeys our students have made with us and say a final farewell to them and their families at our formal Sixth Form Graduation with live music, canapés and a guest speaker.