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Hampstead School

The Hampstead School experience embodies our values. It fosters sophisticated critical thought and an understanding of the crucial importance of effort, within a safe, ambitious, and inclusive environment. It enables learners to Think Big, Work Hard, and Be Kind.

Like the community we serve, our curriculum is diverse and creative. It grows passionate, lifelong learners, who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to thrive in modern society. It provides our young people with extracurricular opportunities, personalised guidance, and the necessary currency to make informed, aspirational choices about their futures.

Our curriculum celebrates what makes us different and what we have in common. An ever-developing understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion is complemented by universally high expectations; all of our students have an entitlement to an outstanding education, personalised to their needs and relevant to their context.

Our curriculum is never finished. It grows and changes as we grow and change. It realises in students the belief that they can make a difference, and gives them the tools and the motivation to make the world a better place.

Hampstead School is a very special place.

Matthew Sadler


School of Sanctuary Award 

Hampstead School is applying for the School of Sanctuary Award. A school can attain this award if they provide evidence that they have integrated three core processes:

LEARN - learning about what it means to be seeking sanctuary, both in general, and specifically with regard to the students from sanctuary seeking backgrounds, especially refugee and asylum seeking students.

EMBED - taking positive action to embed concepts of welcome, safety and belonging within the school.

SHARE - sharing your vision achievements, what you have learned and good practice with other schools, the local community and beyond.

A School of Sanctuary is a place of welcome for all; it educates why people are forcibly displaced, recognises that the UK is enriched by new arrivals, and supports students from all backgrounds to feel seen, supported, and included.