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Hampstead School


Head of Social Sciences Mr S Walter

What we aim to do:

We live in a dynamic, diverse and ever-changing world. We aim to develop pupils’ sociological imagination so that they are able to understand the challenges and opportunities we face in society today. As a Department, we are always looking to keep up-to-date with recent sociological studies and developments.

Key Stage 5 Curriculum and Assessment:

Students study the AQA AS and A Level Sociology specification. This course aims to give a critical understanding of contemporary social issues and the way in which society is structured. Students have the opportunity of studying a number of different social theories, and explore ways in which they can be applied to society to help us understand it. The course encourages students to think about their own experiences and reflect upon them. Throughout the course we explore questions such as: Are we witnessing the breakdown of the traditional nuclear family? Why do females outperform males in terms of GCSE and A Level results? Is Britain becoming a secular society? How do sociologists obtain their evidence? Why do people commit crime?

At AS students study two units: Families and Households and Education with Research Methods. Both units are examined at the end of the year. At A2 pupils study two further units: Beliefs in Society and Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods, which are both assessed by written examinations at the end of the year.

Enrichment Opportunites:

The study of Sociology offers a range of enrichment opportunities. At AS students create and carry out their own piece of sociological research to support their understanding of research methods. Students furthermore have the opportunity to attend AS and A2 student conferences each year to help prepare them for the summer examinations.

Additional Information:

There are a range of excellent websites, films, documentaries, books and Podcasts, which support and extend students’ understanding of the topics they study. The Sociology Department is happy to provide further information for particular topics.

We recommend the following websites for general support: