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Hampstead School


Applications for current year groups 7 to 11 can be made directly to Hampstead School. An application form can be completed via the link below.  Please note that we are unable to process an application until all the requested supporting documentation has been received.

Application In Year Admissions

We require the following supporting documentation to be emailed to us at the time of application

1. Proof of your child's date of birth - For example, their birth certificate, the front page of their valid passport, or both sides of their ID card
2. Proof of address - This can be in the form of your most recent Council Tax bill or Housing Benefit letter, a tenancy agreement, a mortgage or rental statement.
3. Proof that you are currently living at this address - A utility bill dated within the last three months, such as gas or electricity. Or a bank statement.

If you have any questions, please call the school or email Admissions.



Once an application has been processed, the school will either make an offer or add the application to the waiting list.  The position on the waiting list will be determined according to the admissions policy. The outcome will be communicated to the parent/carer within 20 working days of receipt of the application, in accordance with national guidance.

Should an offer be made, the offer must be accepted or rejected within two weeks from the date of offer.  If no reply is received, an email will be sent stating that if we do not receive a reply from the family within one week of the date of the letter, the offer will be withdrawn.  This will be confirmed in writing and the child’s name will be removed from the waiting list.

In-year applications can be submitted at any time, but preferably no more than six school weeks before the school place is required. The reason for this, as stated above, is that a school place once offered should be taken up straight away.

Applications for September will be processed from mid-July onwards, but there is no deadline for applications. They can be submitted throughout the school summer holidays. However, once the summer holidays begin, any available spaces will not be offered until the start of September.

If a family moves or changes any of their contact details whilst on the waiting list, it is the responsibility of the family to notify Hampstead School of any changes.  Where there has been a change of address, new proof of address must be supplied.  Changing address may affect the family’s position on our waiting list.

If supporting documentation is not received within three months, the application will no longer be considered valid and the parent/carer will need to reapply.


If the application link does not work, please copy and paste the following URL into your browser: