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Hampstead School


Inclusion is concerned with raising the standards of achievement in all students irrespective of background, heritage, class, gender or ability. Balancing the needs of the few against the needs of the many is our challenge. Our fundamental aim is to encourage all students to realise their potential

The Student Support Faculty is a key part of Hampstead School’s inclusion strategy. We have a broad remit and its aim is to promote equal access and opportunity to all. The well-being of the student whether it is physical, mental, emotional, moral or spiritual is fundamental to their ability to access education, whether it is informal or formal. The faculty incorporates the Student Support Centre and the Internal Exclusion Unit.

Primary Aims

  1. To raise the attainment levels of students
  2. To remove barriers to learning thus enabling students to reach their full potential
  3. To raise standards of underachieving groups
  4. To promote the successful transition between Key Stages (especially KS2 to KS3)
  5. To assist students in improving their attendance and punctuality
  6. To reduce fixed term and permanent exclusions with targeted cohort
  7. To identify and work with students where their emotional health and well-being is a barrier to learning; including working in partnership with the Special Needs team to deliver the Education Health Care Plan.
  8. To strengthen whole school Behaviour for Learning policy and practices. 
  9. To offer alternative educational programmes within school and external educational agencies
  10. To raise the levels of interpersonal skills amongst students, which will enable them to make informed, mature decisions affecting their lives
  11. To develop strategies relating to mental and sexual health, racism, violence, drugs and other forms of vulnerability.
  12. To facilitate students who have been internally excluded from their normal lessons.

Secondary Aims

  1. To develop a sense of security for troubled children in a safe, supportive learning environment using positive reinforcement and motivation
  2. To provide support service to the parents/carers of students attending the a SSC
  3. To raise students' self-esteem, confidence and resilience. Enabling them to reach their potential and enjoy success.

Different Approaches to achieving the aims:

  • Counselling including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • Mentoring
  • Working with parents/carers
  • Working with LA agencies
  • Primary/Secondary transition
  • Working with external educational establishments
  • Peer Buddying
  • Work with external agencies
  • The Duke of Edinburgh