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Hampstead School


A Level

Awarding body: Pearson

What will I learn?

Year 12

Component 1: Devising 40% of the A level qualification (practical exam and coursework)

You will be assessed on your ability to develop an original piece of theatre. This will include your ability to:

  • deconstruct ideas, themes and narratives that make up the stimuli
  • develop methods that interpret the stimuli, being able to reposition it and see it
  • differently
  • carry out in-depth research to inform and develop ideas and creativity
  • give and respond to ideas in a group context.
  • You will perform a devised piece as part of a group.

Coursework: Portfolio

You will complete a portfolio of evidence documenting and reflecting on their exploratory process and the skills and techniques that they have developed in response to the text, and the influence of their chosen theatre practitioner. The portfolio will be between 2500–3000 words.

Year 13

Component 2: Text in Performance 20% of the A level (practical exam)

You will rehearse two key extracts for performance. One performance will be a group performance of one key extract. You will also perform a monologue or duologue from a different play text.

You will perform your monologue/duologue to a visiting examiner.

Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice 40% of the A level qualification (written exam)

You will study on the work of theatre makers and the various theatrical choices that are made by key members of the creative and production team in order to communicate ideas to an audience. You will also have a chance to evaluate a piece of live theatre.

What can I do at the end of the course?

A level Drama & Theatre gives you an excellent insight into theatre as a living art form and a wider knowledge of what informs contemporary practice.  Beyond, employers and universities value Drama and Theatre as an academic course, it is a favoured subject for those applying to do Law.  You might think specifically about pursuing Drama, Arts, English, Design or Media at higher level and Drama & Theatre Studies provides an excellent basis for this.


Level 3 Cambridge Technical

Exam Board: OCR

What are the aims of the course?

This qualification is for learners who are 16 years old or over who want to develop their knowledge and understanding and skills of the principles of sport and physical activity in preparation for employment in the sport in the sector or to go on to study a degree program at University. A key requirement is a real enthusiasm for sport and exercise and fitness in both the theoretical and practical aspects. This course has been designed as a perfect vocational at alternative to A-Level Physical Education and is equivalent to one A-Level.

What will I study?

There are three mandatory units which include:

  • Body Systems and the Effects of Physical Activity (90 GLH) externally assessed by 1 examination
  • Sports Coaching and Activity Leadership (90 GLH) internally assessment through coursework
  • Sports Organisation and Development (60 GLH) externally assessed by 1 examination
  • Students will choose three additional units from a pool of nine which are all internally assessed as coursework or practical assessments. These include:
  • Performance Analysis in Sport Exercise
  • Organisation of Sports Events
  • Biomechanics and Movement Analysis
  • Physical Activity for Specific Groups
  • Nutrition and Diet for Sport and Exercise
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Practical Skills in Sport and Physical Activity
  • Sport and Exercise Sociology

How will I be assessed?

Internal units will be assessed and graded by your teacher

You can achieve a pass, merit, distinction, distinction star

All assessments are completed through either assignments and/or examinations of which there are two

Where will this course lead me?

The qualification will develop learner’s skills in preparation for employment in sports and coaching and personal training either through apprenticeships what directly into work. Apprenticeships that this qualification can lead to include advanced level apprenticeships in coaching and personal training. Job roles that this qualification could help to prepare you for include person training, assistant sports coach and sport and activity coordinator. They can also provide a route into higher education on a sport related program such as sport and physical education, sport science, sports coaching and development. This qualification will provide you with the UCAS points you require to study at degree level.

Why choose a Cambridge Technical?

You may prefer project and research activities, so being assessed by coursework could help you attain a higher grade. A Levels now have a high proportion of exams taken in June of the final year. This may not suit your style of learning. Cambridge Technicals provide two opportunities to take the external assessment, one in January and one in June – these can be taken at any time during the two year course. So if you would accomplish more if their exams were split across two years and you’d have the opportunity to re-sit if you needed to, then Cambridge Technicals could be a better option. The content of the course is exciting, engaging, practical and fun helping you to find your next steps in education or work.