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Hampstead School

Ofsted Reports


We were delighted to welcome Ofsted inspectors in April 2023. Hampstead School continues to be an ‘Ofsted good’ school, and we are very proud of the many positives highlighted in their report.


'Leaders have thought carefully about the design of the curriculum. They have made sure that this curriculum is ambitious and broad.'

'At the end of Year 9 pupils choose from a wide range of subjects. This choice extends in to the sixth form where leaders offer courses that are suitable for pupils with different abilities and interests.'


'Pupils with SEND access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers, and they achieve well.'

'Very clear information about these pupils is shared with teachers.'

'Teachers use this information well to put helpful strategies in place that support learning.'

Personal Development

'Leaders have thought carefully about the provision for pupils’ wider development including for students in the sixth form.'

'A well-thought-out personal development programme covers topics such as healthy relationships in an age appropriate way.'

'The detailed careers programme helps pupils to make informed choices about their next steps.'


'Class teachers and form tutors establish strong relationships with their pupils.'

'This means pupils are confident to discuss any issues or concerns with their teachers.'

'Staff feel valued and are proud to work in the school.'


'Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour.'

'They also know that some pupils need support to help them to behave well.'

'Very clear behaviour systems are understood well by pupils and applied consistently by staff.'


'Leaders have made reading a priority.'

'Many pupils, including those new to English, benefit from extra help with their reading.'

'This is delivered by trained staff. A well resourced library helps pupils to develop their interest in reading.'


Full Ofsted Report

Head's Letter to Parents and Carers

Parents and Carers Feedback